It used to be that the term identity crisis only applied to men of a certain age, usually mid-forties. They earned this title usually because of a recent purchase like a motorcycle, a fiery red sports car, or a new girlfriend who goes by the name KiKi. But something has happened that begs for explanation. We are seeing young people in their mid twenties and thirties experiencing an identity crisis of their own. It doesn't appear in the traditional ways we are used to seeing, but it can be summed up (in my opinion) in a universal feeling that all post-college people seem to share: a lack of purpose.
Life after college seems dangerously meaningless and full of 9 to 5 obligations that seem to have nothing more to do with anything but making money that goes to paying bills. Caught in a vicious cycle of monotony that never characterized their life before. They have found the American dream to be quite hollow indeed. The Postmodern Era is seeming to create an outcry for change. Not accepting things as they are, but a resolve to make it better. I don't know how many commercials I've seen in the past week saying that this or that amount would go to help some cause. It's incredible in my opinion, and I can't help but feel that the church has a great opportunity here to address the cries of our young people and be the examples of lives lived on purpose. Perhaps this is no identity crisis but a call of awakening by the Spirit. Only time will tell...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I'm Engaged!!!

Please forgive me fellow blog readers for being very slow in my posts, but this past semester has been crazy. Working two jobs and two masters classes was not smart on my part. But one thing in my life demands that I slow down and celebrate, and that is my engagement to the most wonderful man in existence Zack Mikeska. This is the beautiful ring he designed for me. Maybe I'll dedicate a later blog to the story of how he was really sweet.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Family Pictures
Sunday, June 8, 2008
This past Sunday we had two of our students get baptized. It was probably the highlight of my semester. Emilie shouted 'Jesus is Lord!'. It shook the awesome! Linda was crying and trembling, but still with amazing courage she took the step of commitment that she had been fearing for so long. I'm so proud of them both!



Their gang of supporters



Their gang of supporters

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Spring Break Mission trip
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Texans Invade
Well, we just recently had a group of 7 college kids come up here from Stephen F Austin for there spring break mission trip (I call them kids... like I'm so much older, hah!). They really helped us just with manpower alone. Usually it's me, Kelly, and Richard trying to reach a campus of 20,000. So we did a lot of acts of kindness while they were here. We gave out energy efficient light bulbs and batteries for smoke alarms to the lower income neighborhoods where our church is located. On campus we had a chocolate fountain and fruit one day, they also helped with our free lunch. It was such a blessing just to have more people who could sit down and talk to people that we couldn't normally because we're serving. The crazy flour shots are us making stres balls. We handed out a study pack on campus the next day. These were such a great group of students (probably because they were from Texas!) There were 6 girls and 1 poor guy =). Put that number on our 6 people that already live in our house and we had 13 people and 3 showers! The house feels quite empty wthout them =). Enjoy the pictures

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