Monday, January 14, 2008

Monday Night Burgers and My Birthday!

Well, tonight was a special night. It was of course my birthday and actually another guys too. His name is Ryan and he is the guy wearing the sombrero. They made us both wear this while they sang happy birthday to us. They were so sweet. They gave me a birthday card that even little Mico signed =). Richard even made me a cake which was fantastic! Every Monday night we have students come over and eat hamburgers with us and watch some sort of football or American gladiators. Good quality tv right there, it's obvious I don't have the remote. The people all sitting with me on the couch are all my roomates (except Hiroya who was sleeping). Enjoy the pictures!


Anonymous said...

looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad they made you feel special on your birthday. Now i can put faces with names. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Man that is one good looking fleece!! Who could have ever gotten you one of those? That person must be really awesome...I am glad you had a good birthday! I think the sombrero fits you =)